The test has been made at speed 30 km/h. Then why they doing at that speed are because the runway wasn’t long enough. Just waiting after the jump when another enough facility with be able to conduct tests at higher speeds in Malacca finish on this June. As for your info, the speed has been set at 35 km/h but because of the space constraint affected the run and only able to hit at 30 km/h hitting the trailer.
What another people opinion about this crash test(taken from several comment from other sources)?

# So we drive at 26km not at 110km, its make us $$%# or MIROS is @#@#$

Why not do it at 100km come on miros are we it the right way so the people get the right message,

# The 4 star MyVAP thing was tested before this crash test. The certificate was handed over the Perodua on the day of this outdoor underrun crash test itself, so it wasn’t based on this crash test. The findings of the underrun crash test was only reported a few days later (hence this second story where we attended the press conference). I have no idea on how the MyVAP 4 stars were calculated, since MIROS has no facilities yet. Perhaps outsourced like Proton’s test in Spain. But apparently both the Exora and Alza have somehow managed 4 star MyVAP. I think consumers should not place too much importance on MyVAP ratings for now until they clarify what MyVAP is supposed to be.

# What I’m trying to point out is how silly it is to test a car crash at 30 km/h and rate it 4 star if it passes. I know they are still working on faster crash speed, and other aspect of crash, and the focus of this test is on the child occupant, but note that NCAP uses 64 km/h for its frontal test.

# there is much more to look into other than speed.setup of the car, the specific regulation would call for specific dummies, luggages, to ensure the test is carried out at the regulated weight with regulated speed.other than Head Injury Criteria, there is rib deflection, chest deflection, pelvic, leg, etc. many many items would be view to ensure the passenger and driver is okay.ECE regulation is mainly ensuring the car is up to the standard, and doesn’t provide any information about how safe the car is.

# They want support, earn it. We Malaysian are already supporting MIROS by allowing such agency to exist using tax funds, not the DG Prof Farhan grandfather money. In case you have forgotten, this is already 2010, not 1980 or 1990. A bit too late, but yet they are slow in what ever they’re doing,and if by using Alza at 30km to kick start their ‘awareness campaign’ it has started with a failure.

# According to MIROS, one of the reasons why they decided to conduct the test at 30 km/h was because the runway wasn’t long enough.

# i personally think that if want to test the vehicle underrun protection (not the car itself) why want to use brand new car? of cause i know p2 donate the car for publicity purpose but miros suppose to use the older car since i believe at that speed the damage to any car are almost the same (which make it hard to tell this car is better than that car at this speed). The test should save people in any vehicle be they in old dutsun or in brand new mercedes s-class. for example, if they use the old 1985 saga that they can buy around rm5000 only or just ask for the old car from proton or perodua since they have a lot of them under exchange program instead of brand new alza, and if the result revealed that the saga is safe because of the vehicle underrun protection than logically all vehicle better than saga will be safe too.